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Levrlennadur Virginia Woolf

Eus Wikipedia

Sed amañ ul levrlennadur eus oberennoù Virginia Woolf.

Romantoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Skridoù berr[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Danevelloù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Dastumadoù danevelloù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Buhezskridoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Virginia Woolf published three books which she gave the subtitle "A Biography":

  • Orlando: A Biography (1928, usually characterised Novel, inspired by the life of Vita Sackville-West)
  • Flush: A Biography (1933, more explicitly cross-genre: fiction as "stream of consciousness" tale by Flush, a dog; non-fiction in the sense of telling the story of the owner of the dog, Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
  • Roger Fry: A Biography (1940, usually characterised non-fiction, however: "[Woolf's] novelistic skills worked against her talent as a biographer, for her impressionistic observations jostled uncomfortably with the simultaneous need to marshall a multitude of facts."[1])

Arnodskridoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Arnodskridoù hir[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Arnodskridoù berrr[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Dastumadoù arnodskridoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

  • Modern Fiction (1919)
  • The Common Reader (1925)
  • The London Scene (1931)
  • The Common Reader: Second Series (1932)
  • The Death of the Moth and Other Essays (1942)
  • The Moment and Other Essays (1947)
  • The Captain's Death Bed And Other Essays (1950)
  • Granite and Rainbow (1958)
  • Collected Essays (four volumes, 1967)
  • Books and Portraits (1978)
  • Women And Writing (1979)

Drama[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Pennadoù emvuhez[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

  • Moments of Being (1976)
  • The Platform of Time: Memoirs of Family and Friends, edited by S. P. Rosenbaum (London, Hesperus, 2007)

Deizlevrioù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

  • A Writer’s Diary (1953) - Extracts from the complete diary
  • A Moment's Liberty: the shorter diary (1990)
  • The Diary of Virginia Woolf (five volumes) - Diary of Virginia Woolf from 1915 to 1941
  • Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909 (1990)
  • Travels With Virginia Woolf (1993) - Greek travel diary of Virginia Woolf, edited by Jan Morris

Lizheroù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

  • Congenial Spirits: the selected letters (1993)
  • The Flight of the Mind: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 1 1888 - 1912 (1975)
  • The Question of Things Happening: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 2 1913 - 1922 (1976)
  • A Change of Perspective: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 3 1923 - 1928 (1977)
  • A Reflection of the Other Person: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 4 1929 - 1931 (1978)
  • The Sickle Side of the Moon: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 5 1932 - 1935 (1979)
  • Leave the Letters Till We're Dead: Letters of Virginia Woolf vol 6 1936 - 1941 (1980)
  • Paper Darts: The Illustrated Letters of Virginia Woolf (1991)

Rakskridoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Notennoù[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

  1. Frances Spalding (ed.), Virginia Woolf: Paper Darts: the Illustrated Letters, Collins & Brown, 1991, (ISBN 1-85585-046-X) (hb) & (ISBN 1-85585-103-2) (pb), pp. 139-140